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Thursday, January 13, 2011

People born 2009 and up are now experiencing new zodiac signs?

It appears, in Time Magazine that the zodiacs have been changed according to the way the sun moves through certain constellations at certain times. The zodiac allows astronomers to plot the movement of the sun, but the dates can vary, and since 2009, they have. But who would of thought a zodiac sign can mean so much to a person?

Zodiacs are known to fit a person's personality. I am a Capricorn, born on January 10th, it now shows that I would be a Saggitarius. I'm so a Capricorn it's not even funny! I am a goal oriented person, and independent, and I like my sign. I will not believe this. Hopefully it's accurate, when it says it's only for people born 2009 and later.

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